
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Transistion from Work to Romance Writing

I'm finishing up the math class I have been teaching this year. It has taken a lot of my brain power and staying power to make it through this year. It's kind of funny, at this point, I'm thinking it wasn't so hard, but earlier this year I was in tears and wanting to quit everyday.

Things definitely had an upswing after the Christmas holidays. It was pretty stressful to "get" the math I was teaching. But also, how to teach it. It's one of those things that sometimes takes some time before one even realizes what kind of questions need to be asked or what kind of help is needed.

In some ways, I would even consider going back to Uni to get my credentials for teaching math. I enjoyed the math itself. I actually felt my brain changing. I hadn't realized how much until my husband commented that my way of expressing myself had changed. He said that I use numbers or mathmatical expressions to express a situation or how I feel. That change must be pretty drastic if my husband noticed it. He's really smart, but not so much for the communication aspect of life.

I'm looking forward to not having so much of this math learning and math related panic taking up my brain. I was often having dreams about math... the subject, teaching it, problems in class. Ick... glad to have it off my plate.

I managed to do some personal reading, but that was stress management. Now comes the manuscript in earnest.

My commitment to me....
Two pages a day rain, shine, stress, play.

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